NFT Fractionalize

The method of substituting an asset into multiple smaller assets

Before you fractionalize your NFT you need to read the below and make sure you are well aware:

  1. GigaDEX does not see rarity. Do not fractionalize your NFT if;

    1. You hold sentimental value to it

    2. It is a rare or above floor price

  2. When you fractionalize your NFT it gets put into the collection pool where anyone can redeem it for 1.000 fractions

Warning. GigaDEX does NOT see rarity do not fractionalise your NFT if; - You hold sentimental value to the NFT or; - The NFTs rarity is above Floor Price

In order to fractionalize, you will need to:

  1. Select the "trade" page on GigaDEX

  2. Select the NFT Market you want to fractionalize and trade

  3. Select "Open" next to Fractionalize in the top left

  4. Select NFT button

  5. Choose the NFT you wish to fractionalize

  6. Confirm the details

  7. Select "Fractionalize"

*The token name will depend on the NFT collection you fractionalized from ie. DeGods = $DEGODS, GigaDAO = $GIGADAO

You will now see the tokens in your wallet or on the "available balance" section on the right hand side.

Last updated