NFT Fractionalization

The method of substituting an asset with multiple smaller assets

NFT fractionalisation is a process in which a Non-Fungible Token (NFT) is substituted with smaller parts (known as fractions) and can be sold to multiple buyers.

When a user chooses to fractionalize their NFT they are putting the NFT into its own secure program account. Once this occurs it will trigger the smart contract to mint 1.000 new tokens against the collection the NFT is from.

Example. Greg fractionalises his Loot Box. The Loot Box is sent to a secure program account controlled by smart contracts and 1.000 new $LBOX spl tokens are minted and put directly into Gregs wallet.

Warning. GigaDEX does NOT see rarity do not fractionalise your NFT if;

  1. You hold sentimental value to the NFT or;

  2. The NFTs rarity is above Floor Price

All NFTs that are fractionalized are part of the collection pool and upon viewing the pool users will be able to see all NFTs that have been fractionalised

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